Chimney Repairs
We are here for all of your Chimney Repair needs!
It is extremely important to have your chinmey inspected every couple of years to avoid severe damage and costly repairs. Inspections of your roof and chinmey can help avoid the chances of having much larger issues like roof leaks, chimney leaks, and costly water damage to your home. Most repairs and maintenance are very cost effective unless left unadressed.
Contact us today if you need any of the following repairs
*Stone Repair *Chimney Restoration *Chinmey Flashing *Rain Caps *Chimney Leak Repairs *Chimney Inspections *Chimney Rebuild
*Description of Above Chimney Repair*
Removed mortar crown, removed damaged terra cotta liner. Prepped, and installed new terra cotta liner. Custom mixed mortar. Formed and installed new crown. Covered with plastic to slow down curing process for a stronger crack free product. Came back 3 days later and sealed with masonry sealant. Installed stainless caps.
They cleaned my Gutters, checked and re-sealed where needed around my pipe vents on the roof and around my chimneys. They were good guys and worked efficiently. Customer Review